Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, June 17, 2007

So where have I been?

I realize that my blogging output has significantly decreased over the past couple weeks and I don't have a real explanation for it. Excuses- those I've got lots of but no real explanation.

I have been busy or distracted at work and so I've been reading and commenting on other folks blogs but I just haven't been able to focus very well on either the job or blogging. I'm trying to get my work output bumped up and to do that I've got to spend even less time online.

Graduation has come and gone and yesterday's ceremony was really fitting and fun. I enjoyed hanging out with some of my former classmates, all of whom seem to be signed up for advanced Masters classes beginning in August. And they want me to come along for the ride... Hmm... I gotta think about that some more. We had a great day though and afterwards the BSU and I went to the NCO club on base for drinks. We didn't stay long though since nobody came along to join us and the margarita I had really didn't sit to well on my stomach. So home we came and we rested the rest of the day.

We had Father's Day dinner Friday night with Son Kye and we went to Red Lobster mostly because it was close and its the BSU's favorite place. I don't normally load up at Red Lobster but Friday evening, I was hungry and ready to eat, so I had the Ultimate Feast- lobster tail, crab legs, fried shrimp and shrimp scampi. It was terrific and I had a great meal, the best I've had in quite a while. Good stuff that!

Today I'm taking it easy so far. In a little while I'll play my guitar until my fingers get sore and later I think I'm getting the camper uncovered, set up and prepped for next month's trip to the Oregon coast.

Raptors Baseball starts this week, (finally) and I have 4 tickets purchased for Friday night's opening home game. The spouse and I will be attending with Vicki and her mom, Barbara. Barbara's a big baseball fan- they have the Yankees network on their cable tv and the two of them watch baseball nearly every day. But she needs a wheelchair to get around so we will be sitting with her in the wheelchair area, in folding chairs instead of the normal reserved seats. I'm looking forward to Friday night already!

Did I mention last week that the BSU and I watched almost an entire MLB game on tv on a Friday night? It was the week I was sick and the spouse turned on the tv that night and the cable was already on TBS when it came on. We watched the remaining 7 innings of the Cubs blasting the Braves and had a great time. I think this was the first baseball game the BSU had ever watched! But she had control of the remote and left it on the game and it was perfect for that Friday night.

I almost forgot, I bought a new wireless router yesterday as my old one died- though it might have just been a cable problem. The new one is a Buffalo Technology Wireless-N Nfiniti™ Broadband Router and my coverage out here in the shop is much better than the last one I had. I guess that was my graduation present to myself!

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